Silence Like the Wind Overtakes Me

I've done some things in the last couple of weeks that don't really call for a post of their own so here's a bulleted list.
  • Installed custom firmware on my PSP.  I can now play all kinds of oldschool emulators including NES, Atari, and Sega Genesis, as well as some cool homebrew games that are floating around the interweb.
  • Improved the Soda Bottle Rocket Launcher.  It's still in the design process but it's a lot of fun to fire off a few two-liters at the end of a cook-out.
  • Learned some web design stuff.  This is part of an on going project, or projects I guess.  When I can't sleep I play video games or learn CSS, Java, and Flash.  Dropdown menus were this weeks achievement. 
I guess that's it.  Pretty boring really.  Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to report next time. 


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